• Is the fuel gauge accurate?

    Is the fuel gauge accurate?

    A fuel gauge is a device inside of a car or other vehicle that measures the amount of fuel still in the vehicle. It is an aggravating thing when your gauge that doesn’t give an accurate reading, especially when the gauge shows there’s still fuel in the tank when there really is not. So here…

  • Car seat belts account for some of the accident injuries, but how?

    Car seat belts account for some of the accident injuries, but how?

    Seat belts are designed to protect drivers and passengers in a car accident. It is a known truth and has been proven by statistics data. However, it is clear that wearing a seat belt alone cannot guarantee one’s safety in a car collision. Conversely, though rare but it is the fact that the seat belt…

  • Can the steer and brake still be employed if my car loses all its power?

    Can the steer and brake still be employed if my car loses all its power?

    Every car driver does not want to run into the situation of engine failure and power loss. When this does occur, they just don’t know what could happen. Power steering and power brakes rely on the electrical power generated by engine to run smoothly. However, if you encounter power loss, you can still manage to…

  • Are you killing your car?

    Are you killing your car?

    If you look after your car, what you do will certainly pay back. However, with the more and more common car ownerships, few drivers fully understand and look after their cars well. Conversely, without knowledge, many drivers are actually damaging their car or at very least running up a hefty repair bill. Here are the…

  • Block the thieves’ eyesight towards your automobile

    Block the thieves’ eyesight towards your automobile

    At present time, car security systems and technologies can fall into three kinds-deterrents, immobilizers and trackers. These three categories protect an automobile from three aspects or more appropriate, three periods. Deterrents are responsible for warning or scaring off potential thieves. Immobilizers directly make the car theft difficult or impossible. Trackers help a lot in finding…

  • Which type of in-car DVD players should I choose

    Which type of in-car DVD players should I choose

    Car DVD players play a very excellent role in in-car entertainment system. If you want to watch movies in your vehicle, it would be your ideal choice. The price is affordable and the picture quality is guaranteed. If you are looking for a car DVD player, you’ll find a great many brands and designs. Sometimes,…

  • How can I know if I intall the protective door locks correctly?

    How can I know if I intall the protective door locks correctly?

    Car door locks act as anti-theft protection for your car. They make your car safe and make you feel safe. Due to car door locks, you leave your car on a parking lot with valuables inside for hours or even days without worrying for their missing. In addition, you can focus on driving with your…

  • Leather or cloth, which one is more appropriate for car seats?

    Leather or cloth, which one is more appropriate for car seats?

    People often find it is difficult to make a decision between leather and cloth when concerning car seat selection. You choice can be affected by several factors, for instance, your car model, car riders and the frequency of car using. In this passage, we’ll list the pros and cons of both leather seats and cloth…

  • Make your car window replacement a piece of cake

    Make your car window replacement a piece of cake

    It’s a horrible, sinking feeling to walk out to your vehicle and see a pile of broken glass next to the door. No matter what the cause is- whether corroded parts, loose weather stripping, an accident, or an act of vandalism-it is inconvenient and replacing the broken windows is a task that drivers typically want…

  • What can DIYers do concerning windshield repairs to fix or prevent more damage?

    What can DIYers do concerning windshield repairs to fix or prevent more damage?

    Do you know that you may be able to fix the crack in your windshield without an expensive trip to the glass shop? Small pits and chips in your vehicle’s auto glass or windshield can be easy to ignore. But over time, small chips become small cracks, and then large cracks. So you’d better repair…