Tag: GPS

  • Car accessories can be dangerous, are you kidding?

    Car accessories can be dangerous, are you kidding?

    A car is not just a car, for many people, it is an extension of a driver. Everybody is unique and independent. And most people want their cars to be special and unique. To them, they are not only transportation vehicles, but also their partners and a part of their life. With a car, if…

  • Can I leave my GPS device in a hot car?

    Can I leave my GPS device in a hot car?

    The answer is definitely a “no”. Just like any other electronic devices, heat can do a lot of damage; it not only can destroy the GPS device’s internal components but also its memory card even if you leave it somewhere away from the direct sunlight. Actually, it is the heat that you should avoid. Malfunctions…

  • Is in-dash GPS installation an easy task

    Is in-dash GPS installation an easy task

    Install an In-Dash GPS Installing an in-dash GPS system requires the old car stereo (head-unit) to be removed to make room for the new GPS head-unit. Before purchasing the unit makes sure the vehicle can accommodate it. Most in-dash units are either DIN (2 by 7 inches) or Double-Din (4 by 7 inches.) The in-dash…

  • Don’t become a victim of car GPS theft

    Don’t become a victim of car GPS theft

    GPS theft is common. Every year, more than 25,000 GPS devices are stolen. GPS theft often results in high repair cost and hassle for the vehicle owner since thieves often simply smash the window and grab the device. However, an armed car alarm doesn’t guarantee a theft-free GPS device. It can happen in areas where…

  • Take full advantage of your new in-car GPS

    Take full advantage of your new in-car GPS

    In-car GPS industry has developed and grown maturely over the past few years. Now you can buy a one that has advanced features and functions with a reasonable price. GPS comes with an intuitive interface; you can just power up and go. But you’ll benefit more if you spend a little time on setup and…

  • Does GPS enhance or impact car driving safety?

    Does GPS enhance or impact car driving safety?

    Pilots are being trained first to aviate, then to navigate. This is a very good piece advice for flying and also can be used in car driving if we change the sentence a little bit. For a driver who is responsible for the safety of himself or herself and the passengers, the first and the…

  • What you need to know as an auto GPS device buyer

    What you need to know as an auto GPS device buyer

    Auto GPS devices really have a profound impact on our life and the lives of our family members. When we talk about the GPS navigation system, the first thing that’ll probably come into our mind is that it helps us keep the track of our vehicles and find the correct paths to the destination, just…