Category: Uncategorized

  • Getting out of the recall plight

    Getting out of the recall plight

    An auto recall occurs when a manufacturer (or the NHTSA) determines that a car model (or several models) has a safety-related defect or does not comply with a federal safety standard. Usually, the problem is concentrated on models that were produced during a certain time period at one specific plant. Therefore, not all Toyota Prius…

  • What you don’t know about your car warranty

    What you don’t know about your car warranty

    People use the word warranty to cover a multitude of sins in the automobile sales and service industry. All new cars come with warranties, from comprehensive bumper-to-bumper policies to those that cover specific components like seat belts or catalytic converters. From owners’ manuals and online policies for dozens of cars and trucks, also consultation with…

  • How to make a proper car rental: both cheap and fine

    How to make a proper car rental: both cheap and fine

    The process of renting a car is sometimes expensive, time-consuming and full of hidden fees and surprising requirements. In order to rent a car in the most efficient and cost-effective way, you are required to doing some research and searching out the best deals. Ensuring you understand the rules and regulations before and after you…

  • 9 car facts that may surprise you

    9 car facts that may surprise you

    Many people drive cars to and from work every day. Car has become a necessity for some people. They spend hours in cars a week yet they don’t really know about this big partner. Here are some of the facts about cars that you may find fun. 1. Your fuel gauge tells you which side…

  • Tips for passing car emission test

    Tips for passing car emission test

    On one hand, your car’s emission system reduces the amount of pollution your car puts into the air and prevents harmful gases from escaping and potentially becoming health hazards. On the other hand, it helps keep your car’s engine running smoothly, cleanly, and efficiently. It isn’t the most glamorous part of cars, but is certainly…