To maintain your Mercedes-Benz you must follow the company’s recommended services.
When you purchase a Mercedes-Benz you can be almost certain that you are buying into a fully functioning piece of luxury that will last for years to come. However, to ensure that your Mercedes-Benz continues to maintain its high standard of performance, you must service your automobile regularly according to Mercedes-Benz recommended standards.
Mercedes-Benz is dedicated to ensuring that their cars continue to perform at like-new condition through the company’s recommended service plans. Per Mercedes-Benz guidelines, your first service should occur 5,000 to 6,000 miles after purchasing your car. From there, your Mercedes-Benz automobile notifies you when A-Service should occur by illuminating a single wrench icon on the control panel. Roughly 5,000 to 6,000 miles after your A-Service you should have another inspection and tire rotation. From there, your car notifies you that B-Service should occur by illuminating two wrenches on the control panel.
The recommended A-Service includes a myriad of services, such as tire rotation with the exclusion of AMG, Sport and SLK models. In addition the service includes an inspection and record of tire depth, correction of tire pressure and engine oil change and oil filter replacement. Your automobile also undergoes a function check of warning lamps, headlights, exterior lights, seat belts, windshield wipers and washers. Air filters are cleaned and checked, the cooling system is inspected, brakes are checked for pad thickness and condition of discs and a lubrication service for hood hinges and lock cylinders is initiated. It is recommended by Mercedes-Benz that you only allow Mercedes-Benz Factory Trained and Certified technicians to perform the service on your automobile.
The B-Service comes after increased mileage on your automobile. The B-Service includes the function check, cooling system inspection, brake inspection and rotation of the tires as the A-Service but goes further in other aspects. For example, the B-Service replaces windshield wiper inserts and services the windshield washer system. In addition, the B-Service resets the flexible service system counter and inspects the axle ball joints and the belt in your car. Additional services include an inspection of the starting and charging system including the battery and the climate control refrigerant. The purpose of the B-Service is to identify and cure any wear and tear to your automobile since its purchase.

Mercedes Benz Recommended Service Requirements
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